Thursday, 29 September 2016

And still waiting........

Will we ever get a price quote from the builder, at this rate I don't think so. We have the BAL report, soil test, the house plans , and some prices, all we want it the final price, how hard it that?

Seems we have a overlay for land slip, steep  land, waterways protection, and scenic corridor. Add that to the dispersive soil, BAL 29 and I sometimes wonder why we started this whole thing off.

From what I read online about dispersive soil it's a very bad thing to have, not supposed to have a septic system as the water sitting on it is a bad thing, even digging a trench to lay a pipe or wire has risks. Tunnelling is a big one, so we have on our plan 3 septic trenches, and one storm water trench that the builders drew up, makes you wonder hey, see if that passes council! 

And to top it off we received an email from the builder asking us to sign a form because the council  received something from crown land office, seems holding a access licence isn't good enough for them, they want a copy of the whole DA from us, because we are building, I just don't understand why though, we are not building on their land only ours, the licence lets us use their land to cross into our driveway so what else do they need?

Monday, 12 September 2016

Waiting waiting waiting..............

As you all guessed we are still waiting to hear back from the builder, hopefully not long now and tomorrow is the 13 th sept so building should be all approved then! Wonder if they realise they have to get the power sorted out with Aurora as they need to get a few poles put down the road and a transformer, that won't be a 5 minute job.
Got a quote to run a driveway up to the house site, just under 4 grand, not sure if that is a good price for a dirt driveway, think they scrape it and put some gravel down, might have to get a couple of quotes on that.

Monday, 5 September 2016

No news is good news?.

Well we are still waiting on a final figure for the house build, seems to be taking forever, good job we are not in a rush, but on the other hand geez, how long does it take.

The weather here in Yorkshire is starting to cool down again, not that it been hot, I think it's been about 5 days in total that I have had no jumper or cardigan on out side and that during summer.

We have our house on the councils planning website, so that ends on 13 September if no objections then we are approved.

The plans show where the septic trenches go, right at the front on the left so will have to work out what we can plant there. Seems there is a list of plants that are approved to grow on or near trenches.

We are thinking about shipping our own radiators over, the prices in Australia are a rip off, can't believe what they charge, so looking into the costs. Hydronics are not well known it seems, but they should be.